Inspiration Mouthpiece




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Deze pagina heb ik gemaakt om een lastig probleem met het mondstuk op te lossen. Het is echter van groot belang zich te realiseren dat de hier beschreven handelingen kunnen leiden tot een onbruikbaar lekkend mondstuk.

Het zware draaien van het mondstuk zie ik als een ernstig veiligheidsrisico van de Inspiration. Als U geen enkele ervaring heeft met oppervlakte behandelingen of twijfelt aan de effectiviteit van de procedure, adviseer ik het mondstuk bij Ambient Pressure Diving aan te bieden voor een service beurt.

Het probleem met het mondstuk van de Inspiration is in feite het zwaar draaien van de twee hoofdonderdelen van het mondstuk. De tolerantie van deze onderdelen is zo kritisch dat  zwaar of licht draaien van veel factoren afhankelijk is. De tolerantie waarmee deze onderdelen zijn gefabriceerd is zeer klein. Over het algemeen liggen de nominale diameters bij een O-ring passing binnen 10-den van millimeters. Het is derhalve van groot belang uiterst precies te werk te gaan en onderbeschreven procedure in een laatste fase pas toe te passen !

Voordat het mondstuk zou moeten worden bewerkt adviseer ik eerst de volgende handelingen:
fase 1) Zeer goed reinigen en spoelen, en de O-ring controleren op beschadigingen testen. Bij geen resultaat:
fase 2) Het mondstuk demonteren, zorgvuldig reinigen, invetten testen. Bij geen resultaat:
fase 3) Alle O-ringen vervangen en invetten, reinigen en testen. Bij geen resultaat:

Indien nu blijkt dat alle handelingen niet het probleem wegnemen kunt het beste het mondstuk opsturen naar de fabriek. Ook kunt U nog een vierde fase uitvoeren, n.l het wegnemen van bramen, en de oppervlakte polijsten.
De fase is riskant, en dient zeer zorgvuldig uitgevoerd te worden!!
fase 4) Demonteren, ontbramen, oppervlakte zeer fijn schuren, invetten, testen.

I made this page to improve the functioning of the Inspiration mouthpiece. It is very important to realise that the described action can lead to a leaking or defect mouthpiece!  

The best thing to do when the mouthpiece doesn't work the way you like is to sent it to Ambient Pressure Diving for service.

If the mouthpiece can’t be closed easily I think this will oppose a serious safety risk on the use of the Inspiration Rebreather. If you do not have any experience in sanding surfaces or you are in doubt if you should do these handlings, please don’t try, but sent the mouthpiece to Ambient Pressure Diving!

In fact the tolerance of the two main parts of the mouthpiece are causing the problem. The tolerances of these pieces is that critical that easy or heavy turning depends on many factors. Normally these parts are produced with very little tolerances. The diameters are normally within 0,1 mm exact. Therefore it is of great importance to work very accurate, and only work your mouthpiece when nothing helped!

Before working the mouthpiece you should first follow next steps:
Phase 1) Rinse and clean very intensively, check O ring on damages, test mouthpiece. If there is no progress;
Phase 2) Disassemble the mouthpiece, clean intensively, grease the surface, test the mouthpiece If there is no progress;
Phase 3) Replace all O-rings, grease it, clean it en test it.

If all steps do not lead to the wanted results you should sent the mouthpiece to the factory. You also could consider a fourth phase. Then you have to sand en dismantle the mouthpiece. It is a risky operation, and has to be carried out very carefully!

Phase 4) Disassemble, debur, polish surface, grease surface, test mouthpiece.

Put the mouthpiece and hose assembly on a dry and clean surface

Unscrew the two screws on the inner rings

Unscrew the inner rings connecting the hoses with the mouthpiece

The rings are a part of the breathing hoses
Take the valves out. The blue valve is on the inhalation site
Here you see both valves taken out
Unscrew the central locking screw
Gently press the outside down
The inner part will slowly come out
Check the O-rings
Here the mouthpiece is dismantled completely
Now use sanding paper in a grade 360 or 600 depending on the surface of the mouthpiece. Only use waterproof paper!
With the paper rolled to fit the inside, sand the surface very very carefully until is looks smooth
Now I use my favourite dental tool again to debur to O-ring groove in the mouthpiece
Deburring the mouthpiece will enable a smooth rotation
Here you see the finished part
Now ad a little grease. I use silicone based grease. I tried oxygen compatible grease first, but it didn't work....
Carefully reassemble the inner part
Replace the central screw, but take care that you put it the right way. Next fotos show you why..
The mouthpiece have a site for the exhalation valve, and a site for the inhalation valve. On the outside there is a arrow pointing to the exhale site.
The blue valve is the inhalation valve
It can only be fitted on this site, The arrow has to point away from this valve
This way.
Exhalation on the other side
Now mark the two imprints of the screws on the outside of the housing.

Please read extra info at the end of this page!

Turn the rings until the countersinks are in line with the markings on the housing, and replace the screws. All done and ready !
Special note I received from Martin Parker

Every mouthpiece we get back where the user claims it is too tight - we notice it has been taken apart and then re-assembled screwing the two hose connectors on too tightly. They should line the hole in the ring up with the old screw hole in the mouthpiece tube. Instead they over tighten and go passed this point - tightening up the whole mechanism.


Mouthpiece Design

Author: Bruce Leinen


    Here's a tip from a Dentist concerning jaw ache and fatigue.  Try this.
Close your mouth in it's most-closed, normal position.  Your back teeth should be in full contact.  Now let your jaw open by relaxing, just let the lower jaw drop down, so it opens slightly in a hinged fashion, without forcing it.  It should feel real comfortable, like it found an equilibrium point.  There should now be a small space between the upper and lower teeth.  The distance between the upper and lower teeth is call "Freeway Space."  Any opening beyond this can put some strain on the muscles and ligaments.  So any mouthpiece that opens your jaw beyond this, can potentially be a problem.  But if the mouthpiece design lets you close to normal "Freeway Space," it may be restricting the airway and increase work of breathing. I for one have faith that Martin and the Factory have done their homework, and designed the mouthpiece for safety first concerning work of breathing. However, it will probably force your jaw open somewhat beyond "Freeway Space."  That's the price you pay for safety, and I'll gladly pay it.  
    A bigger problem could be how you hold the mouthpiece.  Now, from that relaxed position above, move your lower jaw forward.  The more you move it forward, the more you will feel a "pull" in front of the lower part of your ears.  This front-back strain will be much worse than the up-down opening strain, so it's to be avoided where possible.  Mouthpieces have bite tabs that hold your jaws open a designed minimum amount so you don't restrict the airway by over closing. But when biting down they tend to reposition your lower jaw somewhat forward, potentially increasing muscle and ligament strain.  So my advice is to not bite down on the tabs with a death grip.  Let your lips hold the mouthpiece in place,  your jaw finding it's most comfortable backward-forward position, and bite lightly on the tabs.  Hope this helps.


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